Fincastle Baptist Church

Fincastle, Virginia -

Phone: 540-473-2861

Fincastle Baptist Church is a multi-site, contemporary, family oriented church affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and SBC of Virginia. Fincastle is a suburb of Roanoke, Virginia. FBC completed a new 1100 seat worship center at its Fincastle Campus, added additional space for its kids and student ministries at its Highlands Campus and opened our Rockbridge Campus in 2023.  As part of our 2025 vision, FBC plans to open a 4th campus locally, plant a church in Montana and sponsor and train 1000 church planters in Guatemala.  In addition to its online presence, FBC has an average Sunday morning in person attendance of 1200 Our Purpose is to bring God glory by helping people KNOW God, GROW in God and LIVE for God. Our priority is the Word of God and people. Our passion is to see lives changed for eternity. 

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